Catholic Women’s League
Knights of Columbus
The CWL is open to all women in the parish aged 16 and up. This is an organization that contributes to the church, family and community both at home and abroad. Join the ladies of our parish for personal and spiritual growth, faith and fun. CWL meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
The mission of the Knights of Columbus is to provide members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities’ familes and young people. The K of C meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
Development and Peace
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
D&P is the official international development organization of the Cathoiic Church in Canada, Our mission is to support partners who promote alternatives to unfair social, political and economic structures. We educate the Canadian population about the causes of poverty and support women in their search for social and economic justice.
SSVP members live their faith through daily acts of charity and love by giving of their friendship, concern and time to help any of our neighbours who find themselves in a crisis situation. People in need are helped with basic food and shelter needs. SSVP meets the 1st Monday of the each month.
Couples for Christ
A global organization committed to evangelizing people through a life of love and service; we shall work For the renewal of families that will serve God and build generations of Christian leaders.
Kids for Christ
A fun-filled group helping children aged 4-12 enjoy a relationship with Jesus in an environment that is fun and life-giving in the company of their friends. We share our faith, friendships, and many activities. KFC meets once a month. |
Communication Committee: Members work in partnership with parish staff to develop and maintain outreach efforts of the parish using social media, parish websites and creativity
Finance Committee: This committee is advisory to the pastor and work in partnership with the parish staff regarding the finances and maintenance of the parish. Some financial background recommended.
Parish Pastoral Council: Advise the pastor on pastoral church issues
Stewardship (Collection Counters): Volunteers approved by the Finance Committee count the weekly collection and assist where needed
Lectors: Lectors proclaim the Word of God and the General Intercessions (Intentions) during the weekend liturgies . Training and formation is provided.
Welcoming Ministry: “Greeters” provide a friendly welcome, a smile and hello, to all entering Greeters welcome everyone and advise everyone of our hand sanitizing requirements and of the need to sanitizing seating areas before and after mass.
Ushers are primarily be responsible for taking up the collection. Offerings collected are immediately deposited into the collection box
First Communion/Reconciliation Preparation: Work as part of a team to prepare children aged 8 and over for the sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and 1st
Marriage Preparation: Couples work as part of a team to prepare engaged couples for marriage in the Catholic Church.
Rosary Apostolate: The Rosary Apostolate works to lead children into a deeper relationship with God through prayer. We pray the rosary with school children to encourage them to pray the Rosary daily.
Rite of Christian initiation of Adults: Work as part of the team or be a sponsor for those people wishing to join or return to the Catholic faith.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Children: Work as part of a team that works with children/youth between the ages of 7-16 who are preparing to enter the Catholic Church through baptism and 1st Eucharist